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A Great Guide to
Child and Youth Services
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January - April • Number 46 • 2025
From the desk of Sheila R. Curtis
Chief of Child and Youth Services
As we eagerly step into the bright days of spring, we are thrilled to share the exciting lineup of activities we have planned for the youth in our community! From January through April, Child & Youth Services offers an action-packed season filled with fun, growth, and development opportunities. With a variety of sports, instructional programs, and exciting special events, we're confident that this spring will be one to remember for children of all ages.
Our spring sports offerings are sure to keep kids active and engaged! Whether they're kicking off a soccer ball, swinging a bat in baseball, hitting the green in golf, or serving up on the tennis court, there Is something for every young athlete. Our Run Club will give participants the chance to build endurance and teamwork while staying active and fit. These programs promote healthy lifestyles, build athletic skills, and help children develop a love for outdoor play. Plus, all of these sports emphasize teamwork., good sportsmanship, and positive competition.
In addition to our sports programs, we a.re offering a. variety of instructional classes aimed at developing new sic.ills and Interests. From art and music to fitness and outdoor adventures, these progra.ms provide kids with the opportunity to explore new hobbies, build confidence, and unleash their creativity. We are excited to see the children discover new passions a.nd talents in these hands-on, enriching experiences.
We are also particularly excited about our Spring Break camps for school-age children and youth centers. These camps are a highlight of the season, offering a perfect mix of structured activities and spontaneous fun. This year, we have planned a series of exciting field trips that will take kids on new adventures beyond their everyday routines. Whether it's exploring local museums, going on nature hllc.es, or enjoying themed excursions, these field trips are sure to provide lasting memories and inspire a. sense of adventure. The camps are designed to keep kids engaged and entertained while providing a safe and supportive environment for growth and socialization.
We can't wait to see the smiles on the faces of the children and families who participate in these programs. Spring is a time of renewal, and we look. forward to celebrating this season of growth, learning, and fun with all of you. Together, let's make the most of this exciting time and create memories that will last a lifetime!
Sheila R. Curtis
Chief, Child & Youth Services (CYS)
CYS Inclement Weather Plan
How does inclement weather affect Child and Youth Services openings? Due to the unpredictable nature of Texas weather, we encourage you to become familiar with the CYS Inclement Weather Plan and how it might affect you and child care arrangements.