- Phantom Warrior Stadium
Stadium Road - Rodney J Evans Softball Complex
Corner of Clear Creek Road and Battalion Avenue - Delgado Softball Field
Corner of 62nd Street and 761st Tank Battalion Avenue - 16th Street Softball Field
Corner of 16th Street and Central Avenue - Blackhorse Softball Field
Corner of Battalion Avenue and Martin Drive - West Installation Site Softball Field
Corner of HQTRs Avenue and Clarke Road - MOB Softball Field
MOB Installation Site - Field 9400
Between Dunkin' Donuts and Dental Clinic on Battalion Avenue

Phantom Warrior Stadium BLDG 50029
+1 (254)287-6962
+1 (254)394-4831
Monday - Friday
6 - 7:30 a.m. Open Play
7:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. Reservations & Open Play
Email Us
We have softball fields, tennis courts, football stadium and a multipurpose field that can be reserved for unit readiness mission activities, and recreational use.
Reservations are taken no later than 2 weeks out from the event. Email the form to edwin.e.gonzalez.naf@army.mil and peter.g.perez.naf@army.mil
Sports Fields Reservation Form - right-click and download