How can I make an hourly care reservation?
In order to reserve hourly care, children must be fully registered with CYS and have completed the (MIAT), if applicable. All information must be current and up to date (i.e., shots, health assessment, emergency contacts).
Before an hourly care reservation can be made, all child care balances must be paid in full.
Phone: Reservations for hourly care can be made between the hours of 6:30 am and 6:00 pm. Monday through Friday, by calling Meadows CDC at +1 (254)553-8353 or Montague CDC at +1 (254)287-8835.
Reservations can be made online
CYS Services Online usernames and passwords can be issued by an Administrative Support Assistant at Parent Central Services, Meadows CDC or Montague CDC.
Registered CYS patrons will receive a letter with their username and password at their service site. Newly registering patrons will receive username and password when they complete registration.
How far in advance can I make a reservation?
Reservations can be made up to 30 days in advance. In order to ensure availability for all of the Installation CYS valuable hourly care patrons, a maximum of two future reservations can be scheduled per day by phone.
How many hours per week can I use for hourly care?
Due to the nature of the hourly care program, children requiring more than 15 hours of child care per week are encouraged to enroll in a full-day program in the CDC or a part-day or full-day program in a certified Family Child Care home.
What if I have to change or cancel my hourly care reservation?
Phone: Changes to reservations can be made by calling the CDC in which the care is reserved 24 hours in advance of the reservation time. A “no show” fee will be assessed if cancelled less than 24 hours prior to the start of the reservation time.
If using CYS Online to make changes and/or cancel a reservation, it must be made no later than 5:30 am the day of the reservation.
Please note that patrons who do not cancel their hourly care reservation for two times consecutively, the hourly care services and the child pass will be suspended for one month. Child care services and the child pass will be reactivated at the end of the 30-day period and only after hourly care fees assessed for the non-cancelled reservations are paid in full.