- Mon-Fri: 5-10 a.m. & 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
- Training Holidays: 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
- Federal Holidays: Closed
- 3 and Under, Free
- E1-E5, Free
- E1-E5 Family Members, $4
- E1-E5 Family of 4 Season Pass, $75
- E1-E5 Family of 5 or more Season Pass, $125
- All Other Authorized Users, $4
- Family Members, $4
- Single Person Season Pass, $50
- Family of 4 Season Pass, $125
- Family of 5 or more Season Pass, $150
Lap Swim Punch Card - 16 punches, $25
- Unit PT and Drown Proofing Scheduling Instructions
- Units will submit a memorandum to include the following:
- Date and time requested for use.
- Specify type of activity
- Number of lanes required
- Number of personnel
- Unit point of contact and phone number.
- BN CQ number for after hours notification of unexpected pool closer.
- To avoid conflicts in scheduling:
- Submit memorandum at least one week prior.
- Unit PT not to exceed two days a month.
- Pool will be reserved when the memorandum is approved.
- Scheduling:
- PT availability: 5 to 9 a.m.
- No “drown-proofing” activities or ACUs during morning PT 6:30 to 7:30 a.m.
- Drown Proofing/WST:
- 1 to 5 p.m. Abrams Pool
- ACUs, boots, etc. must be clean and showered before entering the pool; pockets emptied of all debris.
- Maximum 20 sets of ACUs allowed in pool at a time.
- Follow pool rules.
- Pool Rules
Respect your fellow pool patrons.
- Follow all instructions of the Lifeguards and Aquatic Staff.
- Take a shower before entering the water.
- No running, ball playing, scuffling, dunking, or other forms of horseplay allowed.
- No glass bottles or glass containers allowed.
- You may not enter the pool if you have a respiratory disease, other communicable/infectious disease, open wounds, or a bandage of any kind.
- No swimming in the diving area.
- No pets allowed.
- No diving or jumping from the sides of the pool.
- Watch your young children and non-swimmers at all times.
- No food or beverages allowed in the pool area.
Lightning and thunderstorms
- Clear everyone from the water at the first sound of thunder or the first sight of lighting.
- Wait 30 minutes after the sound of thunder or the sight of lightning before entering the pool.
- If you can see it, flee it; if you can hear it, clear it.
Lap Lane
- 4 swimmers per lap lane.
- 2 swimmers in lane split lane
- If 3 or more swimmers are in a lane utilize circle swim by staying to the right.
- Stay to the right of the lane except to pass
- If needed designated lanes for fast or slow swimmers will be established.
- When resting in a lap lane, stay to the sides and corners of the lane.
- Rafts and large inflatable toys are not allowed in lap lanes.
- Do not hang on dividers.
- Exit lane for longer breaks.
Diving Board
- Always use caution when diving, head and neck injuries can result from improper diving.
- Do not double bounce on the diving board.
- Do not move fulcrum.
- Check water depth and do not dive out of water area.
- Ask the lifeguard where you are to dive.
- Only one person at a time on the diving board.
- Be sure diving area is clear before diving. Wait for previous diver to reach side of pool before diving.
- Do not swim under diving board.
- Dive straight off the board.
Abrams Indoor Pool
62nd Street BLDG 23001
+1 (254)287-4648
Email Us
All patrons must enter the main lobby of the Abrams Physical Fitness Center and present a valid DoD ID.
Mission Use
Unit PT, CWST, CRDAMC Physical Therapy, SRU, FRP/IMPC, and Fitness Lap Swim
Contact us for scheduling.
Recreation Swim available at Outdoor Pools